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How your work space can cultivate productivity

The state of the American workplace is not defined by place or constrained by time. Here’s what’s working and not working in today’s modern workplace.

Why working from home is astonishingly productive

Employees who worked from home showed a significant productivity boost equivalent to a full day’s work, according to a large two year study. Employees who worked from home also took less breaks, less sick days and days off, but also reported feelings of isolation. Inc. discusses how companies can use this information to design work at home arrangements that really work.

Yet another way open offices are making you less productive

65% of creative people surveyed list a quiet workplace as the most essential ingredient for being productive. While open offices are lauded for promoting collaboration and interaction in creative industries – there are many drawbacks which contribute to a significant loss of productivity, says Fast Company.

How managers can be fair about flexibility for parents and non-parents alike

To make flexible working arrangements for parents that actually works, they need to be offered to all workers. Though flexible work schedules are beneficial for all employees, it requires trust and communication for it to succeed. HBR outlines the guidelines needed to ensure that flexible schedules are fair and promote productivity.

An important story on acceptance

A little over 4.5 years ago, my niece, Nora Bea came into this world. Due to a series of complications and obstacles, she’s been in and out of the hospital and now has severe developmental setbacks.

When Nora came into my life, my world changed forever. Through her journey, she's shown me what it means to be with someone where they are at, to accept and love them for who they are instead of what they are not.

The Nora Project works to bring Nora Friends (children with disabilities) into classrooms with typically-developing students. These interactions change the lives of young students, Nora friends and all the families involved by teaching empathy, acceptance, and inclusion while sparking friendships between students and children with disabilities.

I’m reaching out to ask for help.

  1. If you’ve not yet donated and can give, please DONATE HERE.

  1. Spread acceptance. Accept others for who they are instead of what they are not.



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