Today I want to share a story about a new manager who realized that it takes work to be a great leader and these skills aren’t inherent. He invested time and money into learning and honing these skills; and came to the bootcamp ready to learn and stretch past his comfort zone, all so that he could be a better leader of his people. And the results speak for themselves. Here’s John’s story . . .

“During the Habits of a Leader Management Bootcamp, we delved into Stay interviews, why they are important for establishing lines of communication with your team, and how to conduct them authentically, and I began implementing them with my team shortly afterwards.
These stay interviews helped to set a level of expectation between myself and my team that didn’t exist before. When you really try to understand what your employee wants out of their job, and not what you want out of them, it makes managing those employees much easier. The results speak for themselves and my team is performing at a much higher level."
- John Babbitt | Director of Field Services, RGE | Open, Honest, and Direct Certified Leader
For more info on how to become a certified Open, Honest, and Direct Leader like John, click here.
Each level in Scratch Geometry Dash often involves repetition and requires memorization of obstacle patterns, which boosts short-term memory and helps players stay engaged and attentive for extended periods.