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How companies can focus MORE on retaining top talent

This week, I’ve curated a selection of articles about how organizations can tackle retaining their organizational talent.

How companies can turn their organization into a Millennial magnet

Burned out employees are nearly 3x as likely to leave their employer and millennials are disproportionately more likely to experience burn out. Gallup explores how to turn your organization into a millennial magnet and win the war on talent.

Why companies should focus more on retaining their talent

In this period of record low unemployment, companies are having to compete fiercely for top talent. In my recent Forbes article, I explore why this strategy can be compared to continually pouring water into a leaky bucket.

Are we overlooking a generation of leaders?

Gen Xers now make up 51% of leadership roles globally and that number will continue growing, according to CNBC’s Global Leadership Forecast 2018. In this CNBC piece, Stephanie Neal and Richard Wellins discuss how to retain and develop these Gen X leaders.



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