Learning what to do over the course of one-to-two days DOES NOT lead to acting differently in the long run.

If the goal of the training is to help your leaders adopt new skills, the work required to change a behavior will take far more than a one day workshop, an online course, or even a series of monthly sessions.
To successfully make the transition from top individual contributor to leader of people requires leaders to develop the habits of great leaders.
How Habit Formation Works
No matter how good and engaging a presentation is, habit formation takes time.
It occurs when a new action, like the leadership skill of listening with intention and attention, is practiced over and over.

Each time you practice listening in this new way, neurons in your brain are firing and creating a new neural pathway.
The more you practice, the stronger the neural pathway becomes and the easier it is for you to listen.
The neural pathway for listening can be created or rediscovered in one session, but to form a habit you need to practice deliberately over several weeks.

30 minutes with an L&D Expert.
A Model For Training That Works
We’ve combined the latest neuroscience research and practices from the fields of behavioral economics, human motivation and positive psychology along with our experiences in working with over 10,000 leaders to deliver habit development to leaders through our Learn - Apply - Reflect model.



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Phase 1 - Learn
It’s critical to make sure your leaders know why these skills are important and how they will make them more effective leaders.
This is where most workshops spend 90% of their time. We flip that process and spend 10% of our workshop time on knowledge building, since it doesn’t drive action.
Phase 2 - Apply
This is where leaders have a chance to practice, see what works, what doesn’t work and make adjustments to get better.

Deliberate practice is essential to forming any new habit – so we make sure to design time for people to put that learning into action in role plays and in real-life situations with their team.
We institute deliberate practice in our workshops, where we set up role-plays, paired practice and real-life simulations to get leaders to apply the new skill and activate their neural pathway.
In between workshops, leaders are given homework assignments to practice in the real world, with their team. Leaders are forced to apply the new skill outside of the safety of the workshop which brings a whole new element to learning. It can take a leader out of their comfort zone which is exactly where growth occurs.

Phase 3 - Reflect
Reflection is where the leader gets to meet with a behavior change expert, their leadership coach, to explore what worked well in their practice of the new leadership skill and what could be done better.
Each leader gets matched with one of our incredible leadership coaches to hold the leader accountable to their growth goals and allow leaders the space to assess and evaluate their skill development.
Even though the leader is not actually practicing the new skill in this phase, the reflection process is still triggering the newly created neural pathway.
By the end of this phase, a leader will have visualized, practiced or reflected on a singular habit hundreds of times, turning it from a skill to a habit adopted.