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The Mutual Gains of Employer-Employee Workplace Choice

Do you know why the remote worker kept a plant next to their desk? To remind them to stay "rooted" even when working from home!

And, that leads us to our newsletter topic. The benefits of allowing our team to work from wherever they please and how this also benefits our organizations. As many of us know, remote work was a curveball we were thrown when we were consistently seeing fastballs for years upon years.

It took many of us time to adjust -- organizationally as well as our team members. But, that's what high performers do. We stay on our toes. And, it's safe to say it's led us to identify some major reasons as to why we should give our teams the option to work from where they choose. What are those reasons?

Here are 5 reasons to consider:

  • Attract & Retain Top Tier Talent: The ability to choose where to work is a strong incentive for professionals seeking a better work-life balance and a supportive work environment. By accommodating diverse work preferences, organizations can build a more skilled and dedicated workforce.

  • Increases In Employee Satisfaction: We know that when our team feels satisfied, they're more likely to produce at high levels and commit to their roles fully. So, autonomy leads them to feel trusted and valued.

  • Positive Impacts On Work-Life Integration: While balance is different for everyone, leaving this door open to help our team find what balance is for them, is key. Alignment of personal commitments and work schedules reduces stress and burnout.

  • Increases in Productivity and Performance: When we give our team the opportunity to choose their environment, we can see increased results as different projects require different vibes. When our team can find where they focus best and where they are most creative (and everything else in between), we're helping them unlock their potential!

  • Promote Creativity and Innovation: By allowing our team to choose where they work allows them to generate fresh ideas, increased problem-solving capabilities, and new ways of thinking -- just to name a few.

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