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Join the celebration!

Aaron Levy

It’s our 5th Anniversary at Raise The Bar!!

I started RTB 5 years ago with a somewhat selfish goal in mind - I wanted to be a part of a team that held each other accountable and celebrated their wins and losses; a team that loved having fun but also wasn't afraid to be direct and real with one another. A team that ventured out of their comfort zones to try new ideas, get messy and make mistakes.

I wanted to create a team that inspired and coached others to live and lean into a learning culture.

Since then, we’ve certified over 500 leaders and helped make an impact on many high growth workplaces. We’ve assembled a talented and diverse group of coaches and experts, improved upon our processes and methodologies, and continued to learn and adapt to the needs of our community.

I invite all of you to join in our celebration over the next couple of weeks AND explore what the future of work could hold for your organization.

1. Listen to WHY I started Raise The Bar and what our secret sauce is...

As the tables are turned and I guest on an episode of The Open Honest and Direct Podcast.

2. Transitioning from Top Performer to Leader...

Join Heather, myself and a few of our coaches as we share our top tips and strategies for navigating the transformation from a top performer to an effective leader of people. Register for the free webinar on Wednesday, October 27th at 4pm.

Thank you for all your support! Aaron


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